Teachers and students can now sign in to BibGuru using Clever's single sign-on system. This integration eliminates the need for students to maintain a separate login for BibGuru's engaging and easy-to-use features. BibGuru also continues to support sign-in via Google and Facebook.

BibGuru is a free citation app that was designed specifically for K-12 and undergraduate students. The app was created to help students meet citation-related learning outcomes and to address the very real concerns that educators and librarians have about inaccurate, hard-to-use, and ad-filled citation generators.

We make BibGuru freely available to all K-12 students because we are committed to advancing academic integrity and information literacy through products that are both accessible and user-friendly.

Clever Portal with BibGuru

Developed by the team at Paperpile, BibGuru allows students to quickly and seamlessly create accurate citations and bibliographies. Founded in 2013, Paperpile is a full-fledged reference management solution used by tens of thousands of researchers worldwide.

Add BibGuru to your Clever portal today

School and district administrators can add BibGuru to their Clever portal, so that teachers and students can sign-in, get a BibGuru account, and start creating, saving, and organizing citations.

Clever Portal with BibGuru

BibGuru's powerful search bar allows students to search for books, websites, and journal articles and add them directly to a bibliography. Students can generate citations and references in MLA, APA, and thousands of other citation styles.

The app also allows students to create projects for individual assignments and to use folders to organize sources based on assignment requirements, source type, or other specific needs. Citations and bibliographies can be exported as a Word file, copied and pasted to Google Docs, or exported as bibliographic data files (BibTex or RIS) to use with other reference management apps.

Educators and students can also find useful how-to articles, citation tips, and instructional materials on the BibGuru blog.


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BibGuru: Instant, automatic citations