What is a bibliography?
What is a bibliography? In this post, we discuss what a bibliography is and how to build one. We also cover different types of bibliographies and how to know which one is appropriate for your specific project.
How to find books in your college library
Your school’s library not only maintains the databases that you use to find journal articles. It also contains a range of in-depth scholarly sources that can help you expand your research: books! In this post, we discuss how to find books in your college library.
How to write an introduction for a research paper
Writing an introduction for a research paper can be one of the hardest parts of the writing process. How do you get started? In this post, we discuss the components of an introduction and explore strategies for writing one successfully.
How to start the research process (6 tips)
Research can be a fun and informative process, but so many writers struggle to know where to begin. In this post, we’ll discuss six tips for starting the research process.
Works cited vs bibliography
How do you know when to label your references “works cited” or “bibliography”? Is a works cited page for MLA or APA? In this blog post, we discuss the differences between works cited pages and bibliographies. As always, you should ask your instructor which style to use for your assignment.