What is plagiarism?

You may be thinking that avoiding plagiarism is simple. It’s just a matter of not copying and pasting other people’s work and properly citing your sources, isn’t it? Well, yes and no.

Plagiarism can take a few different forms, some obvious and some a little more subtle. It’s even possible to plagiarize unintentionally or accidentally.

Given how serious the consequences of plagiarism are (which we’ll get into later in this article), it’s important to understand in detail what constitutes plagiarism and how you can avoid it.

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How to write an outline for an essay

Whether you’re a researcher, an academic, or a student, knowing how to write an outline for an essay will be an essential skill.

Despite how important it is, there are all too many individuals out there carrying on with the writing process without knowing how to write effectively. Creating an outline for your next essay can help you to structure your thoughts more clearly before you put them down on paper.

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What is a parenthetical citation

Knowing how to handle parenthetical citations is a key skill that students and researchers need to master. This citation format, also sometimes referred to as an in-text citation, comes into play whenever you need to directly quote or paraphrase someone’s work in your essay or research paper.

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What citation style to use for philosophy

Describing the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and conscious existence,  philosophy is a popular academic discipline with those that like to ask: ”Why?”

The problem is there is another question affecting philosophy students, and that is “What?”. As in, what citation style should be used for philosophical essays? Philosophy is a university subject that comes with a lot of reading, and it's essential to handle citations correctly to maintain your academic integrity.

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What citation style to use for sociology

Knowing which referencing style to use for sociology papers and research can prove to be confusing. A simple Google search brings up multiple different citation styles, each slightly different from the last - so how do you know which one to make use of?

Firstly, it’s important to pay attention to the referencing style preferred by the sociological department at your university. This is likely to be given to you in a marking rubric or told to you by a lecturer at the beginning of the course.

Because the requirements can differ from university to university, we’ve put together this full guide to knowing what citation style to use for sociology:

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