BibGuru Newspaper Citation Generator

Cite websites, books, articles, ...

BibGuru Newspaper Citation Generator citation generator

What is a newspaper citation generator and how can it help you?

Getting citations and reference lists correctly done can be very confusing and time-consuming.

The good news is that our newspaper citation generator can do it automatically for you and it is FREE to use! 🎉

Not convinced yet? Here are 5 reasons why you are going to love the BibGuru newspaper citation maker:

🚀 Fast

😌 No flood of distracting ads

👌 Simple and intuitive interface

🎓 APA, MLA, Chicago and thousands of other citation styles

🥇 Most accurate citation data

With BibGuru we have made a citation tool that truly helps students to focus on the content of their work instead of worrying about how to get their reference list correctly done.

Those days of wasting time entering data manually or losing grades on incorrect bibliographies are finally gone!

Why, when, and what do I have to cite?

The broad scientific knowledge we have today is the accomplishment of many researchers over time. To put your own contribution in context, it is important to cite the work of the researchers who influenced you.

Cited sources can provide key background information, support or dispute your thesis, or offer important definitions and data. Citing also shows that you have personally read the work.

In addition to crediting the ideas of others that you used to build your own argument, you need to provide documentation for all facts and figures that are not common knowledge.

Common knowledge is knowledge that is known by everyone, or nearly everyone, and can basically concern any subject. An example for common knowledge would be "There are seven days in a week".

The number of sources you cite in your work depends on the intent of the paper. In most cases, you will need to cite one or two of the most representative sources for each key point.

However, if you are working on a review article, the aim is to present to the readers everything that has been written on a topic, so you will need to include a more exhaustive list of citations.

How to cite a newspaper article

The basic format for a reference list entry of a newspaper article in APA looks like this:

Author(s) of the article. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of newspaper, Page numbers.


This is an example of a newspaper article from the print version of a newspaper:

Belluck, P. (2018, July 26). Promising Alzheimer’s drug attacks brain changes and symptoms. New York Times, p. A1.

And here is an example from an online newspaper article:

Dunford, J. (2020, October 29). Where Wes Anderson films 'accidentally' come to life. The Guardian.

You never have to worry about getting your newspaper citations wrong with BibGuru. Use our APA citation generator above to create the fastest and most accurate citations possible.


🎓 How do you cite a newspaper in APA?

To cite a newspaper article in APA, you can use the following format:

Author(s) of the article. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of newspaper, Page numbers.

✍️ How do you cite an online article in APA?

To cite an online newspaper article in APA, you can use the following format:

Author(s) of the article. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of newspaper. URL

🔔 Where do I find referencing samples for newspaper articles?

You can find referencing samples for newspapers and all other sources in our BibGuru citation guides.

🏫 What is the most common citation style?

Which citation style to use really depends on the field you are studying in. In literature, arts or the humanities for example, the MLA style is most popular. APA is used in psychology and education, while Chicago is generally used in business, history and the sciences. What is most important for you is to make sure you know which citation style your institution uses.

🤷‍♀️ Why do I have to cite my sources?

You have to cite your sources to credit the ideas of others that you have used to build your own argument, and to put your own contribution in context. Citing also shows that you have personally read the work of others.

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