How to cite a Netflix show in AMA

AMA Netflix show citation

To cite a Netflix show in a reference entry in AMA style 11st edition include the following elements:

  1. Creator(s) or Director(s): Give the last name, and initials of the director(s) and/or creator(s) (e.g. Watson J.).
  2. Title of the Netflix show: Italicize the title and capitalize the first letter of each major word.
  3. Place of publication: Give the name of the city in which the publishing entity was located at the time of publication.
  4. Broadcasting company: Abbreviate the publisher's name.
  5. Year of publication: Give the year of publication.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a Netflix show in AMA style 11st edition:

Creator(s) or Director(s). Title of the Netflix show [Netflix streaming]. Place of publication: Broadcasting company; Year of publication.

Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the AMA style guidelines in action:


A Netflix show with one director

Slade D. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch [Netflix streaming]. United States: Netflix; 2018.

A Netflix show with two directors

Klein E, Posner J. Explained [Netflix streaming]. United Kingdom: Netflix; 2018.

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