How to cite a C-SPAN video in APA

To cite a C-SPAN video in a reference entry in APA style 6th edition include the following elements:
- Author: For regular C-SPAN videos simply use 'C-SPAN' as author. For user uploaded content use the user name.
- Title of the video: Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
- Date of publication: Give the year, month and day in brackets followed by a full stop, e.g. (2019, June 13).
- URL: Give the full URL of the web page including the protocol (http:// or https://).
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a C-SPAN video in APA style 6th edition:
Title of the video [Video file]. (Date of publication). Retrieved from URL
APA reference list examples
Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the APA style guidelines for a C-SPAN video citation in action:
A regular C-SPAN video
LULAC presidential candidates forum [Video file]. (2019, July 11). Retrieved from
A user-Created C-SPAN video
2016, September 22). Policing and criminal justice reform [Video file]. C-SPAN. Retrieved from (
This citation style guide is based on the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition).
6th edition 7th edition