How to cite an online magazine article in Chicago

To cite an online magazine article in a reference entry in Chicago style 17th edition include the following elements:
- Author(s) of the article: Give first the last name, then the name as presented in the source (e. g. Watson, John). For two authors, reverse only the first name, followed by ‘and’ and the second name in normal order (e. g. Watson, John, and John Watson). For more than seven authors, list the first seven names followed by et al.
- Title of the article: Give the title in quotation marks.
- Title of the magazine: Give the title as presented in the source.
- Date of publication: Give the month, day and year of publication.
- URL: Give the full URL from the direct source. Include http:// or https://.
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of an online magazine article in Chicago style 17th edition:
."Title of the article." Title of the magazine. Date of publication. URL.
Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the Chicago style guidelines in action:
An online article with one author from a science magazine
Better planet: Can a maligned pesticide save lives?" Discover Magazine. November 20, 2007. "
An online article with one author from a technology magazine
Intelligent technology for an aging population: The use of AI to assist elders with cognitive impairment." AI Magazine. June 15, 2005. "
This citation style guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style (18th edition).