How to cite a Facebook page in Harvard

To cite a Facebook page in a reference entry in Harvard style include the following elements:
- Author(s) of the Facebook page: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J.) of up to three authors with the last name preceded by 'and'. For four authors or more include the first name followed by et al., unless your institution requires referencing of all named authors.
- Year of posting: Give the year in round brackets.
- Title of the Facebook page: Give the title as presented in the source. Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
- Date of posting: Give the day and month of publication.
- URL: Give the full URL of the web page including the protocol (http:// or https://).
- Date of access: Give the day and month of publication.
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a Facebook page in Harvard style:
(Year of posting) Title of the Facebook page. [Facebook] Date of posting. Available at: URL (Accessed: Date of access).
Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the Harvard style guidelines in action:
Obama's official Facebook page
2020) Barack Obama. [Facebook] 28 February. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2020). (
The Facebook page from a popular YouTube channel
AsapSCIENCE (2019) [Facebook] 1 November. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2020)
Note: If there is no specific author, start the citation with the title.
This citation style guide is based on the Cite Them Right (10th edition) Harvard referencing guide.