How to cite a mobile app in Harvard

To cite a mobile app in a reference entry in Harvard style include the following elements:
- Rightsholder(s) name: Give the name of the company or individual that owns the rights of the app, if available. If none, start with the title of the program.
- Year of release: Give the year in round brackets.
- Title of the mobile App: Give the title in italics.
- Edition name: Give the edition name if available, e.g. Kindle edition, Fire Phone edition.
- Version: Give the version number if available.
- Mobile store name: Give the name of the mobile store.
- Date of download: Give the day month and year.
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a mobile app in Harvard style:
(Year of release) Title of the mobile App. Edition name. (Version) [Mobile app]. Available at: Mobile store name (Downloaded: Date of download).
Take a look at our reference list examples that demonstrate the Harvard style guidelines in action:
A music mobile app downloaded from Google Play
2018) MP3 Converter (Version 1.6.28) [Mobile app]. Available at: Google Play (Downloaded: 21 September 2019).(
A messaging mobile app downloaded from App store
2009) WhatsApp Messenger (Version 2.19.100) [Mobile app]. Available at: App Store (Downloaded: 23 October 2019).(
This citation style guide is based on the Cite Them Right (10th edition) Harvard referencing guide.