How to cite an online report in MLA

To cite an online report in a reference entry in MLA style 9th edition include the following elements:
- Author(s) name: If the report was published by an organization that is also its author, omit the author and start with the title.
- Title of the report: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize.
- Report number: Give the report number if available.
- Year of publication: Give the year of publication as presented in the source.
- URL: Copy URL in full from your browser, include http:// or https:// and do not list URLs created by shortening services.
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of an online report in MLA style 9th edition:
. Title of the report. Report no. Report number, Year of publication. URL.
Take a look at our works cited examples that demonstrate the MLA style guidelines in action:
A report by an international organization found online
Annual report, 2005. 2006,
A financial report by a government agency found online
Financial Report of the United States Government. 2018,
This citation style guide is based on the MLA Handbook (9th edition).